
The Magical Mister Mishkins is a children’s book series based on a real cat – Mister Mishkins, who is owned by magazine publisher and author Samantha Mattocks. Mister Mishkins’ Apothecary is the first book in the series, out 3 October 2023.


Author Samantha Mattocks with Mister Mishkins, a ginger cat

Mister Mishkins and Samantha


Samantha has been owned by cats all her life, and Mister Mishkins is her first ginger cat. He arrived into her life in June 2021, and you can read more about how Samantha was inspired to write this series of books here.
Mister Mishkins’ favourite things are: napping, watching birds, lounging in the sunshine, his red jumper, and cuddles with mum.



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